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Transformational Mentoring with Natalie.

Four powerful life transforming change sessions, meeting you where you are and propelling you into the life you desire. 


This intensive life changing mentoring will provide you with the building blocks, guidance, support, resources, inspiration and accountability to finally make the permanent changes in your life that you have been wanting.


If you are finally tired of just surviving and you know it's time to start thriving, then you have come to the right place.


Who this is for...

Image by Paula Guerreiro

Everyday is groundhog day and you have no idea who you are anymore. 

You will learn how to find the time and prioritise the immense value of having fun again in your life


To step out of just surviving and begin to thrive and dream about your future once again.


Even if you have no idea what brings you joy or what you like to do for fun anymore, let alone have the energy for it.

Image by Artem Kovalev

An innate strength within despite feeling broken and not good enough.

If you are feeling broken, not good enough on all levels as a result of a lifetime of negative life events and coping mechanisms.


Discover how that inner strength that has got you this far can propel you into the future you desire where you will feel worthy and comfortable in your own skin.

Image by Ben White

You know it's time to be your own hero.

If you have tried to make positive changes in your life before but have procrastinated and gone back to the old habits and behaviours that have kept you stuck and unhappy.


Finally commit to having your own back and taking responsibility and control of your life. 


Confident that you will be supported, made accountable and guided to finally make the changes you desire in your life.

Image by Raimond Klavins

Overwhelmed & Frustrated

You'll learn how to find time and energy for yourself finally.



Even if you put yourself on the back burner constantly...



And feel stuck in an unhealthy pattern of not disappointing anyone or feeling selfish for taking time for you.

Image by Albina White

Disconnected, Stuck & Numb

If you're feeling like you continually fail at life, you're losing chunks of time and unable to recall memories and just feel not good enough.




Learn how to tap into and trust your true self and your inner knowing about who you really are and what you love so you can be present in your life once again.

Image by Julentto Photography

With the right guide anything is possible.

If you believe finally making permanent and positive changes in your life is possible if you could find the right person to guide you.




Learn and be supported by someone who has been deep in the trenches and can confidently guide you back on the path to yourself.

You will learn, develop and experience the following...

Image by Júnior Ferreira

Flick the switch on old patterns and bring to light new awareness.

How to flick the switch on what has been keeping you stuck in those old familiar negative patterns and behaviours...



So you can reconnect with yourself, feeling a sense of calm and clarity on what's important in your life.

Even if you feel it's too difficult to attain....



But believe with the right guide it is possible

Image by Kevin Delvecchio

Feel more calm, balanced and reconnect with those you love.

How to stop feeling like you don't have the energy or patience to be fully present with those around you...



And feel more balanced, less weighed down by life, calm and focused on the people and things you love.

Image by MI PHAM

Let go of not good enough and experience feeling comfortable being you.

How to let go of feeling like a failure and not good enough...



So, you can experience a more balanced and happy life where you have more time for yourself and self-confidence to prioritise what is important to you.


Reconnect with the younger you who was FREE.


How to rediscover and incorporate what the younger you used to positively feel like and do.


So that you can bring back that sense of confidence, clarity and freedom into your life now.

Playing with Donuts

Gain Clarity on what you find Fun and brings you Joy.

How to regain focus and clarity in your life about the things that you love and bring you joy.


So that you can live your life on your terms, with acceptance of who you are and gratitude for all you have. 

Image by jcob nasyr

Begin to Dream and make Goals again that are in alignment with who you are now.

How to obtain clarity about your values, beliefs and be comfortable in your skin.


So that you can lead a rewarding life with natural inner confidence on your own personal direction.

Total inclusive price of Transformational Mentoring with Natalie.

Pay in full $980 and
Save $100
Pay 4 payments of $270
How it breaks down...

Four 2hr 1:1 Transformational Mentoring Sessions

Tailored to your schedule to best suit your needs. These sessions are conducted at either Cooroy, Gympie or Online. 

They are powerful life changing sessions where Natalie will meet you where you currently are and assist you to achieve your best desired outcomes.

Max. duration  for completion is 4 months.

Private Facebook Group

You will receive access to the small private Facebook - The Inner Circle group where you can ask questions, share, support and connect with Natalie and others.

This group is only open to Transformational Mentoring participants. 

This group will then be the priority focus for ongoing online group classes and workshops.

Lifetime valued client discount

At the conclusion of the four sessions, you will receive a Valued Client discount of 15% of ALL future services and products with Natalie.

Four Powerful Audio's

These powerful self-hypnosis audios are downloadable to your phone for ease of access.

They further support your journey in between sessions and aid in permanent positive change.

Ongoing Email/Text Support

You will receive support and guidance to ask any questions or gain further clarification via text/email even after your program finishes. 

Please allow up to 24hrs for a reply.

Priority Booking for group events.

At the conclusion of the four sessions, you will receive a priority booking status for all future sessions and events.

The six steps of Transformational Mentoring

The intention of this program of four powerful individualised sessions:-



1. Connection and Trust building. Getting back to basics, gaining clarity on what you want & where you are headed.


2. Understanding & Unlearning/Un programming negative coping mechanisms, habits and behaviours that have kept you stuck and feeling unworthy. 


3. Gaining a new level of Self-awareness, accountability and responsibility to yourself.


4. Buidling a strong true and worthy foundation to work with going forward.


5. Gaining insights and excitement about your future Goals, Dreams, Desires and Direction.


6. Finally, empowered acceptance that ultimately you are your own hero and finally getting to know who you really are at your core.


The four sessions will be carried out over a period that best suits you and your schedule, with your final session being completed, at the latest in four months from your 1st.


The aim here is for this not to be a chore and overwhelming but instead something you are excited about and look forward to. So, Natalie will be very flexible with days and times, so it fits into your life as effortlessly as possible.



All four sessions with Natalie are in person at Earth Cottage - Cedar Pocket (Gympie) and Online via Zoom anywhere in the world.


Natalie may incorporate any and all of the extensive modalities that she is trained and experienced in, in these powerful change sessions.


Natalie uniquely tailors this versatile program to your needs and the areas that you most want change in. Together you will work as a powerful transformation team to get the positive results you desire.


Numbers of participants in 1:1 Transformational Mentoring will be limited to 8 at a time. Once numbers have been reached you can join the waitlist for the next available opening. 


What this is NOT...
Image by Aziz Acharki


These Transformational Mentoring Sessions are not a cookie cutter program where one size fits all.

Natalie does not have a magic wand, she will direct, guide and support you to make the changes you need.

You need to be at the threshold of wanting to make powerful positive change for you and no one else. 

Natalie will meet you where you are and together you will achieve the best outcomes for your future self.

Image by Johanna Buguet


You will be required to commit to completing and pay for the Four Sessions in FULL. 

The reason why this way of mentoring works so well is the accountability and responsibility that you are finally taking to transform your life for the better. 

The ongoing sessions allow you time to process and implement the work done from one session to the other.

Image by Majestic Lukas


The fear of the unknown can hold a lot of people back from experiencing an amazingly full life.

What if this new you that you dream about becoming can be a role model to others on how to leap before you are ready.

The fact is if you wait until you are ready you, it will never be the right time.

What if you were just curious to see what could happen instead?

Total inclusive price of Transformational Mentoring with Natalie.

Pay in full $980
Save $100
Pay 4 monthly payments
              of $270

The Transformational Mentoring Program 

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